We are a family farm in its third generation of farmers. Currently we are transitioning the farm back to regenerative farming (the way our grandparents used to farm) with the help of Virginia Tech, VSU, Colonial Soil and Water Conservation Service, Peanut District Soil and Water Conservation, NRCS, and various friends and community members. In 2024 we planted a “food park” that consists of…
160 Blueberry plants
170 Blackberry plants
80 Raspberry plants
154 Muscadine vines
16 Kiwi vines
Interested in volunteering? Email your resume to organicrootsva@gmail.com
We are committed to creating the highest quality food security for our community in a peaceful and loving atmosphere.
Please reach us at organicrootsfarmva@gmail.com if you cannot find an answer to your question.
More...producing a nutrient dense egg on an almost daily basis requires a high calorie and protein diet. Our chickens live on the pasture but cannot sustain on forage alone. The main source of their diet is organically certified feed.
Regular feed or non-GMO feed can contain herbicides, pesticides and fungicides that are widely used in growing corn, soybean, wheat and other crops that are the main ingredients in chicken feed. Traces of these chemicals are making their way into the eggs that the chicken produce and into the manure that goes into the soil and into YOU if you eat non-organic eggs.
Chickens are not meant to live in tiny enclosures subsisting on grain alone. Raised on pasture they are free to scratch and peck as they are getting their natural nutrition from bugs, worms and grubs which increases their protein intake. The physical activity, better nutrition, and low stress levels result in healthier chickens and a superior egg quality for consumption.
Subscribers are guaranteed eggs, but sometimes we have extra dozens available. You are welcome to come visit the Egg Shack Monday- Saturday, 9am-6pm to see if there are any extra dozens available. You are welcome to watch the hens at work. A single dozen is $8.50.